How to Send a Friend Request from Your Fitbit

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The folks at Fitbit are well aware of the significant benefits that accrue when you make your self-tracking public, so they’ve built tons of social features, like making friends, into the Fitbit app. You might be leery of letting Fitbit rummage around in your contacts, but the company promises not to send anything to a contact without your permission.

If that seems reasonable, you need to give the Fitbit app permission to access your contacts and then send your request:

1. In the Fitbit app, select Community.

2. Select the Friends tab.

The Friends tab is where the Fitbit app will eventually list all your friends, ranked in descending order of total steps taken over the past week. For now, it’s either empty or you see just yourself, as shown in the Android version in the following figure.

Fitbit Friends tab

The Android version of the Friends tab

3. Select the Add Friend icon (labeled in the figure).

4. Select the Contacts tab.

5. Give Fitbit permission to access your contacts: