
If you are considering sharing your property with another denomination, or sharing property which belongs to another denomination, a sharing agreement in accordance with the Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969 will need to be put in place.

More detailed legal information about sharing property can be found under Sharing of Buildings.

Completing the project record

When your project record opens for the first time, you will see Step 1 Complete Required Information is highlighted. Hovering over this first step will show you what needs to be completed.

You will see the Project Summary, Project Purpose, Lease, Documents, and Authorisations tabs. You will need to complete the required information on each of these to resolve the outstanding issues shown at the top of each tab. Required fields are denoted by a red asterisk ( * ).

Project Summary tab

The Project Summary tab is for describing the basic details of your project, such as the project name, a simple description, what project activities are taking place, as well as how much they cost and how you're going to fund your project.

You will notice that the Project Summary tab remains amber even though the Managing Trustee user has done everything required of them. The tab will only turn green once all TMCP held funding has been confirmed.

Project Purpose tab

The Project Purpose tab gives you the opportunity to describe the missional aspect of your project. This information will also be used to support any Connexional Grant you may be applying for.

The Shared tab will ask you for details about the ownership of the property, help drafting an agreement, and other denominations involved in the sharing agreement.

The Documents tab allows you add supporting documents to your project, such as qualified surveyors reports, drawings, account statements, etc.

Once you have completed all the required information, you will be able to enter managing trustee authorisation. Any outstanding issues will be listed at the top.

Once the Managing Trustee Authorisation is completed, an automated email will be sent to all authorised circuit users. They will make sure all the relevant project information has been input, confirm any circuit funds agreed by the circuit meeting and complete the circuit meeting authorisation.

If your property is a listed building or in a conservation area, a Conservation Authorisation section will follow the Circuit Authorisation. Once this has been completed by the Connexional Conservation Officer, an automated email will be sent to the managing trustees, circuit and Consent Giving Body.

The Connexional Ecumenical Officer will also need to sign the project off before final consent can be given.

Your Consent Giving Body will now be able to review the details of your project and give final consent. Once this has been done, the project can go ahead.