What’s Your Flood Risk?

Your chances of flooding over 30 years are 5x higher than a home fire. Most homeowners insurance excludes flood damage, making flood insurance essential.

Flood Risk Ratings


As this designation implies, there is a low, but still meaningful, flood risk. 40% of all flood claims occur in low- to moderate-risk areas. Flood insurance is an important safeguard, even for those in areas of low risk.

This designation means that the risk for flooding is reduced, but there is still flood risk. 40% of all flood claims occur in low- to moderate-risk areas. Moderate flood risk areas may have reduced their risk with mitigation efforts, such as levees, or they experience shallow flooding. Flood insurance is an important safeguard for those in areas of moderate risk.

In communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), flood insurance is mandatory for properties located in high-risk flood zones if mortgages are federally backed.

Over the past 20 years, 99% of counties in the U.S. have experienced a flood event

Over 40% of NFIP claims are from outside the high-risk zones

From 2016-2021, flood insurance policyholders received claim payments averaging $68,000, which never have to be repaid

Flood Risk FAQs