Nevada legal news annual statement of business

Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns
(and answers)
relating to Annual Statements

Neglecting or refusing to publish a statement as required by this statute makes you liable to a penalty of $100 for each month that the statement remains unpublished. (Nevada Revised Statute 80.190)

Each day, we receive hundreds upon hundreds of orders for the publication of Annual Statements.

Many of these orders are duplicates or are orders received without payments.

The only way that we can connect a payment with an order is if the "contact name" listed on the order matches the "company name" listed on the payment.

Because of this we ask . that you enter the name of the entity for which the Annual Statement is being made.

PayPal sends out a "receipt of payment" to the email address of the person who made the payment.

PayPal sends out a "receipt of payment" notification immediately upon receipt of payment.

However, due to activity on the internet, it may take minutes or even hours for the receipt
to show up in your mail program.

Concerning invoices .
We, unfortunately, do not provide invoices.
We do send out Publication Notices annually but we have never sent out an invoice.
It's kind of like asking your local supermarket to send you an invoice because you might
purchase a loaf of bread at some time in the future.

Concerning receipts .
We, unfortunately, do not provide receipts.
We have never provided receipts.

If you paid by check . then your canceled check is your receipt.
Please check your bank statement for a record of your payment by check.
A copy of the canceled check will also be available from your bank.

If you paid PayPal .
PayPal automatically sends out a receipt to the email address given to them by you at the time of payment.
The receipt from PayPal is sent out within a minute or so of the payment.
Please look in your email program to find the receipt from PayPal.
It would have arrived on the same day that you made your payment to them.
PayPal's customer service telephone number is 888.221.1161.

If you paid by bank debit card .
Please check your bank statement for a record of your payment by bank debit card.
Your bank statement will show the transaction which can be used as a receipt.

On the second day of publication, a Certification of Publication along with a copy of the legal notice as it appeared in the newspaper is mailed out, by first class mail, to the "contact name" at the "contact address" listed on the order.

On the second day of publication, a Certification of Publication along with a copy of the legal notice as it appeared in the newspaper is mailed out, by first class mail, to the "contact name" at the "contact address" listed on the order.

Upon occasion entities may wish to have a duplicate or a copy of their Certifications of Publication sent to them in a .pdf format via email communication.

We charge $20.00 to create a .pdf file and send it by eMail.

If the Pay with Debit or Credit Card box does not show up on your screen .

We suggest that you open the "history" function on your browser and "clear all cookies".
Then turn off your computer and turn it back on.

It is our understanding that if a company is in existence at any time during a calendar year,
it must publish an Annual Statement during that same calendar year.

However, to the best of our knowledge no company has ever been fined or penalized for not publishing
during their first year of eligibility in Nevada.


In other words, if your fiscal year end is anything other than December 31st, you have 3 months after your fiscal year end to have your Annual Statement published.

Point 1. You may change the date of your fiscal year end from December 31st to any other time (date) at any time during the year.

Point 2. After changing your fiscal year end from December 31st to some other date during the year, you may change the fiscal year date back to December 31st.

Point 3. Neither the Nevada Secretary of State's office or the Nevada Attorney Genera's office keeps a record of company's fiscal year end.

In other words, there is no record of your fiscal year end and you can change it at any time during the calendar year.

Because of this "loophole", you may have your Annual Statement published at ANY TIME during the calendar year (as long as you have it published at some time during the calendar year).

is simply a billing address of the registered agent .

The actual (official) registered agent address is .

An Annual Report form may be found at the following link .